Duration: 01:10:45

Kelsey Bratcher interviews Maddy Martin from Smith.ai. Smith.ai is a virtual receptionist service that provides their customers with not only receptionist services, but also appointment booking and online requests. Maddy shares the benefits of outsourcing one of the most vital components to many small businesses.

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Pro Tip:

Most people don’t realize that Calendly can schedule with that complexity and they start looking at other tools….All you really need is Google Calendar and Calendly set up for each account that would be available. – Kelsey Bratcher

I would also say that having macros or preset emails so you are not writing the same response over and over again. I have a stack of outreach emails ready that are pre-written for different categories…. Have emails preset with 95% what you want to say and then customize the last little bit. – Maddy Martin

Links from show:

Smith.ai – Use the promo code GETAUTO or mention the Get Automated Podcast and get $50 off (this can be combined with our 30-day/10-call free trial).



