John William Gray

Duration: 01:6 :0

This week we spend our time talking about people one more time as we explore part three of our hiring series. Episode 48 of the Get Automated Podcast Kelsey Bratcher is joined by John Gray Owner of Done Rite Carpet Care and author of Stop Spot-Cleaning Your Life. We focus on why it’s important to know who you are hiring and making sure that you are hiring to your vision. Not just your business vision, but also your life vision. Listen to why your business and personal goals need to be aligned. Also find out why it doesn’t matter what tools you are using to get the job done. Instead why it matters how you are using these tools. This and much more on this weeks episode of the Get Automated Podcast. Grab your copy today.

The best way to find more about John Gray go to or you can check out Done Rite Carpet Care

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Pro Tips

I get a lot of referrals and and that’s been my best way of getting employees, like the one technician have had for 15 years.
– John Gray

You need to incorporate your personal and professional Vision together. You have to integrate them. Otherwise, you’re going to take one step forward two steps back.
– John Gray

It’s not the tools as much as it is how you use them.
– Kelsey Bratcher


I wanted to share this with you. Just three simple steps; awareness, accountability, and aligned action. Done decision made.
– John Gray

I mean that’s one of the things you got to be aware of is you have to be able to go faster and slow down appropriately.
– Kelsey Bratcher

The motivation for doing this stuff for me, I mean I’ve made jokes about it being because I’m lazy but I hate doing the same thing twice if I know I only should have to do it once. Like something as simple as filling out a form you have to fill it out here, then copy and paste it over here. Double data is a No-No in my opinion.
– Kelsey Bratcher

You know the whole morals values ethics and that’s not something you really teach somebody it’s either hardwired or if you’re going to hire somebody based on thinking you’re going to teach those skills. I think that’s wishful thinking in my mind.
– John Gray

It actually takes stress off of them because it’s automated and they’re not obligated to perform.
– John Gray


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ART Automatic Response Technologies

Reccommended Stuff To Check Out

Stop Spot Cleaning Your Life – John Gray