Kelsey Bratcher

This week we have episode 50 of the Get Automated Podcast. This episode enjoy a special look at what we have planned for the second season with the smartest man in small business automation Kelsey Bratcher. We have some great things in store for the next year of the podcast, but we are going to need some help from you to make everything happen. Grab this weeks episode and strap in for an exciting second season.

The best way to find more about Kelsey Bratcher go to or you can check out Get Automated

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There is a Facebook group for Get Automated. I suggest that you join it, if you’re not in it.
– Kelsey Bratcher

The work that I’m doing specifically is to create scale and in our processes and how that business works.
– Kelsey Bratcher


This marks 11 years for me working in automation.
– Kelsey Bratcher

If anyone listening has someone that they like to hear from ,or that they think would be a good fit for the show, or if you’d like to come on and talk let us know.
– Kelsey Bratcher

If anyone listening has someone that they like to hear from ,or that they think would be a good fit for the show, or if you’d like to come on and talk let us know.
– Kelsey Bratcher

I’ve been told that I should create some courses. I think there’s a lot of value in being able to share what I’ve talked about and learned over the years and I’m also working on a book.
– Kelsey Bratcher

I’ve been told that I should create some courses. I think there’s a lot of value in being able to share what I’ve talked about and learned over the years and I’m also working on a book.
– Kelsey Bratcher

I think it’s worthwhile to showcase some of more tools individually as well. So we’ll be doing “deep dive” episodes and whole episodes dedicated to specific products.
– Kelsey Bratcher

That’s kind of the idea behind this why I started a podcast, as I discover things that I can share them but also to learn new things.
– Kelsey Bratcher

I’m going to be taking a break over the holiday season because…I don’t need to be doing this every single week.
– Kelsey Bratcher


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Amazon Lambda
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