Roman Prokopchuk

This week we have Episode 59 of The Get Automated Podcast. Every small business owner knows that in 2019 you have to have a website. Well part of having a web site is Search Engine Optimization or SEO. This week Automation Guru Kelsey Bratcher talks with SEO Guru Roman Prokopchuk Founder and CEO of Nova Zora Digital. Learn about SEO. How to get started and what to look for if you are going to pay someone to manage your SEO. The rules of the game have changed from the early days of the internet explore tools and best practices that can help you keep your business site at the top of the stack. Grab Episode 59 before your site falls off the first page of search results.

The best way to find more about Roman Prokopchuk go to or you can check out Nova Zora Digital

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Pro Tips

So it basically records user sessions and I can replay it after the fact. Then sets up heat maps and different scroll maps in terms of when you do get someone to the website and they may not be converting, you can focus on conversion rate optimization to better drive the lead.
– Roman Prokopchuk

Step one the easy, the biggest low-hanging fruit is to see what your competitors are doing. So the easiest thing you can run on your top four or five competitors with SEMrush is a gap analysis.
– Roman Prokopchuk

Ultimately, you want to look for somebody that cares about your business as much as you do and a lot of agencies…are, you know, “Churn and Burn”…they have cookie cutter products.
– Roman Prokopchuk


My start is in kind of financial services and legal. So smal,l medium, large size law firms in the United States. I worked in pharma, biotech. fitness, e-commerce, mainly spaces focusing around that.
– Roman Prokopchuk

I would say in 2010-11 Google made the organic search so that data is no longer provided.
– Roman Prokopchuk

They can look at it in relatively in real time and see, if they’re in the bathroom on a Saturday evening and they want to know how their SEO campaigns going and maybe the paid search they could to get a quick snapshot real quickly.
– Kelsey Bratcher

They have their own certification program for certain things like digital marketing, email marketing and CRM. In my opinon that has the most value behind Google Analyitics they are a close second or third.
– Roman Prokopchuk

Setting up Search Console as well and linking it. Then if you are running ads on Google Ads linking it into your Google Analytics account. So it’s basically a layered data source.
– Roman Prokopchuk

Clean up as much as possible all the “spammy” stuff pointing to your website. Send out different takedown requests.
– Roman Prokopchuk


Autopilot HQ
Google Ads
Google Analytics
Google Search Console
Advanced Web Ranking

Reccommended Stuff To Check Out

Roman Prokopchuk’s Digital Savage Experience – Roman Prokopchuk
HubSpot Academy – Hubspot
Maximum Lawyer – Jim Hacking